Indian Visa Photo Requirements

The first step to meet the Indian Visa Photo Requirements is to ensure you take a good photo. A clear, full face photo taken in low light is essential. The photo must not have red-eye or any other facial disfigurement. Also, it must be recent, preferably taken within the last six months. If you do not know the exact requirements for a good photo, you can read our guide to taking a good photo.

Should be taken in low-light conditions

The photo should be taken in color, with a plain, light background, and should not have distracting shadows or colors. The photo should also be a portrait, with your eyes open and your face showing a full and balanced view of your face. While it may be tempting to take a selfie with your mobile phone, this is not advisable for the Indian visa application. Instead, use a high-resolution digital camera, and make sure you take your photo under natural lighting conditions.

Should have a full face

The first thing you must remember before taking your Indian Visa photo is to make sure your photo shows your entire face. A full face photo is much more likely to be accepted than a profile or three-quarter photo, so make sure you are able to show the entire face. If you are wearing head coverings, make sure you take them off before taking your photo. Lastly, your photo should be taken from the center of your photo frame, and not to the side or in your hair.

Should not contain a red-eye

The Indian visa requires that the photograph be front-facing and not an overhead view. It should be taken of the full face, preferably with the eyes open and the head in a neutral expression. The photo must be taken in daylight. The photo should not contain a red-eye or any other defects. It should also show the applicant's eyes and be less than 6 months old.

Should be new or taken in the last 6 months

For Indian Visa, you need to take a recent photo. This picture must be either newly taken or within the past six months. Make sure to upload it on the online application form, as there are certain requirements for the photo. Moreover, your photo should be in JPEG format. The file size must be 40KB to 120KB. Also, you must make sure that the picture has a white background and shows only you. Avoid smiling in the photo, since it can change your facial features.

Size of photo

The size of your photo is a crucial factor to keep in mind when applying for an Indian visa. The size of a photo has to be at least 350 x 350 pixels, which is equivalent to two inches. The face should cover about fifty to sixty percent of the image. Your earlobes, neck, and shoulders should also be clearly visible. Exceptions to these requirements include photos of children and people who wear religious head coverings.

Background of photo

The Indian visa application requires an additional photo of the applicant. The picture should be of the applicant with a white background, a head in the center of the frame, and no shadows or distracting colors. The background must be plain and white, and the applicant should be looking directly at the camera, not at the camera's screen. The background should be as plain and white as possible, so that the face is easily seen. A photo without borders or any other distracting colors is acceptable.

Indian Visa Application Photo Requirements

There are strict Indian Visa Application Photo Requirements. The photo must be recent and taken within 6 months of applying. It should show the full face of the applicant in a neutral expression, with no eye or mouth expressions. The background should be plain and light. The image must be of natural color and be in focus. A headgear, such as a turban or headdress, is not allowed. If you can't find a suitable photograph, you can crop it and upload it online.

The photo must clearly show the applicant's face, including the eyes and nose. It must also be a portrait with no shadows or distracting facial features. A head covering is allowed only for religious purposes. The face should be in the center of the photo. Hair must be clean and not cover the whole face. The face must be unwrapped from a hat or scarf. Headgears should not be more than two months old.

The Indian E-Visa website requires a clear, natural-looking photograph of the applicant's face. The photo should be at least 2 inches in width and 900 x 1200 pixels. It should also be in the correct volume and contrast. There should be no shadows or excessive light or contrast. The photo can be emailed to us using the contact form or mailed directly to the Indian visa office.

Last updated